Sunday, 18 January 2015

                                    Quick Fix

       I was enjoying my walk listening to my favourite singer. This is what I missed  because for six months I had gone to the U.S. It being winter ,temperature dipping to minus 30,I could not venture out.
I was waiting to come back to tropical whether to enjoy the sun's heat. But my misfortune, I pulled my leg muscle and was told by the doctor to keep off all exercises and walking. This put an end to my dream of morning walk. 
After two months of rest , today I had resumed my walk. The cool breeze, the sun's heat and my music was making me ecstatic when I hared someone call me. I came to a stand still. ''Hi, how are you? happy Yougadi ''Said Aruna, my neighbor.
''Not seen you for long. Off course I too have not come for walk for a while.'' Said I. Instead of asking me why I had not gone for walk , she said'' I went through two knee replacement. That is why I could not come. but now I am o.k''.

Upon hearing this news , I was livid with anger.'' You are not even fifty five. Why did you undergo this operation? I was telling you that I will teach  arthritis prevention asanas. You never made any attempt in last six years.''
She replied,'' Oh, it is in my genes. I can't help it.''
This upset me so much that I walked away from her. Her fatality was  infectious. She was ready to undergo knee replacement and physiotherapy to other options. She wanted a quick fix. 

The attitude of people towards exercise is very puzzling. People start narrating their physical pain, specially the 50+. Being a yoga teacher, I tell them some simple asana or pranayama. They immediately withdraw into a shell or acknowledge that they know yoga, they have learnt it. They do not practice it but are proud that they have learnt it [in a congregation of 20-30].

The same  incident in the west commands respect and they are eager to learn.  
In India ,people want immediate solution. They are ready to undergo knee replacement than learning some simple exercises to prevent surgery , a quick fix.

This outlook we see in every situation. Take Cataract eye operation,diabetes[instead of diet control insulin],dentures, piles etc. People prefer spending money and undergoing the operation than finding alternative therapy. The hospitals exploit the situation and harvests money.

The same approach is seen in collage admission,be it medical,engineering or M.B.A.The kids know that the parents will get them a seat by hook or crook. So they enjoy their college life ignoring hard work and studies. No doubt the number of private collages is on rise. Right from K.G admission to high school, we observe the same impatience. 

Thirty years back this was not the case. Only the student with high score could do medicine or any other. Why? Because no one had money to squander. We must blame this excess money culture for our plight. I have observed maids going to the Dr to get rid of fever. The Dr exploits their ignorance and gives them injection saying they will be cured. He charges hefty fee. The maid comes beaming the next day rid of pain. Is it psychology which worked or the fever was a passing one, we don't know. But the quack Dr benefits and the maid gets a quick fix.

from train booking to registration of land, people are looking for short cuts, willing to pay any price.This is the reason for corruption too.

There is no quick fix in life. No short cuts. What can't be cured has to be endured. This short cut is the reason for youngsters falling pray to Alcohol, drugs and suicide etc. We must teach younger generation Patience and toleration in life . No doubt the divorce rate is increasing. This partner is not right . Leave her or him and look for another. this is the trend and to cure that we must bring up our kids  by not indulging them in every step. Teach them , ''Patience pays''.

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